A review by loverofromance
Hometown Cowboy by Sara Richardson


This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance

Hometown Cowboy is such a wonderful book, and I was BLOWN away by how much that I actually enjoyed this book here. It really REALLY shocked me. I don't even know why I haven't even checked out this author before. I blame picking this one up on my library, because it was on one of their feature shelves down their romance section, and boy I decided to just take a chance and grab it up since I have seen so many positive thoughts on this author.

Within the first two pages I was completely hooked on this story, and I couldn't put it down. I started it on my break at work....worked through half the book and finished the rest once I got home. So I read this book in less than a couple of hours, which really only happens if its a PAGE TURNER!! And boy this authors writing is super engaging for the reader.

The heroine is the local vet and trying to carry on her father's legacy and she is looking for love one day. She is just coming out of a bad relationship and not really looking for a relationship but she has the hots for this cowboy and yeah all of her plans to enjoy being single goes out the window pretty quickly. Our hero, is the oldest of the three brothers. He is pretty famous for carrying on his father's tradition of riding bulls and he is a natural at it. But now he mostly just trains his bulls for the job. But he wants one last ride at a competition. We see how at first these two try to avoid the attraction they feel for each other, but soon they realize why deny what they feel. We also have a heroine that has a close relationship to the heroe's father and does so much to bring these brothers back together when they were seperated in a sad way.

I truly adored both of these characters, their personalities just fit right. The heroine is just wonderful, kind and is very giving. Lance, our hero, can be a bit stubborn at times, but I love that Jessa can get through his tough skin and make him see reason. The romance that develops between these two is sexy yet has a sweet tone to it. I really enjoyed this author's writing style, and seeing these two fall for each other in the way that they do. I can hardly wait to try out the rest of the series and seeing more of the brothers.


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