A review by raeanne
Mariam Sharma Hits the Road by Sheba Karim


I don't quite know what to say or how to rate this one. I hooked me right away and kept me going, even with some bumps and frustrations along the way. Unique setup & character drama, never seen before in YA, esp. road trips. But some problematic shit, with Umar being stereotypical, making fatphobic comments, and there's no really GOOD muslim characters. I did like the conversation around Ghaz's billboard picture though and thought the discussion around Muslim beliefs and the queer community was well done. It's a lot like the conservative Christian one, but doesn't have a liberal counterpart shown, which sucks. But they are like a found family, which is always a great thing to see.

I liked the trio's relationship but was let down on Mariam staying straight. I seriously thought there'd be more since this came up in my searches for QUILTBAG books, but nope! It's only Umar and background characters passing by.

Part of me wishes the trip itself was shorter and we got to know what happened after. Part of me feels like this should be a shorter prequel and the full book about what happens when they get back home. Part of me gets it though, all about the journey. And a teeny tiny part of me is still trying to parse it all and articulate my thoughts and feelings.

It's not bad, but it's hard to really cheer for and honestly, if this was white people, it'd be trash. But the Pakistani, Muslim, and Hindi aspects were well done, entertaining, and worth it.

My favorite character is Mariam's mom. An atheist mother that's a great single parent? Amazing. I can't think of another one in YA, TBH. Ghaz was a little too on the nose for all her insights and like a manic pixie dream girl. Mariam was lukewarm, but maybe that was me wanting a gay plot with her. Umar was an adorable struggle of a stereotype. They all fucked up and got their hang ups, but they check each other when needed and always have each others back.

Notes While Listening:
>>First line: "Your brother has just the right amount of chest hair." - Umar
>>Ewww boogers.
>>OMG always read contracts, so easy to say, easier to not do.
>>haha "I mean, how many people go to Times Square?"
>>HA Karma MF Straight Dudes.
>>Awww Mariam has good relationship w/ Mom
>>Damn chicken shit Umar.
>>Ouch, the ghosting.
>>Go Mariam!!
>>Awww Noni memories.
>>Auntie Leprechaun lol
>>Omg the banquet, the meeting.
>>Ghaz! OMFG! Not cool!
>>Poor Umar.
>>Umar into cubs & bears
>>"Gay boys are my jam!" - Ghaz. Her ex came out.
>>"How to escape from Every Situation" sounds like a book I need.
>>Ewwww white guy w/ dreads
>>He has a drag name? Nice.
>>Right on Ghaz.
>>Cross dressing party? Eh, those don't always turn out well...straight people...
>>Ugh, "starvation nation" shut the fuck up Umar.
>>Oh shit the black racism
>>Ewww "half anything is hot". Don't fetichize people with this shit.
>>I love her mom.
>>Good point Ghaz.
>>Shut up Mars.
>>Wow that BS defense of the prophet & slavery. How Christian of them, lol.
>>That's surprising.
>>Son of a bith.
>>You got a lot of explaining to do.
>>FAIRY?!? Ugh.
>>MF lying bastard scoundrel
>>Well, she's better than expected.
>>Ghaz is uncanny w/ the psychology stuff. Sometimes feels like a cop out, telling instead of showing, maybe? I dunno.
>>That's a tough convo most single moms know well. Good job.
>>That's adorable, sweet, and therapeutic.
>>"Someone go tell bridezilla about stat rape" - She's 16.
>>"White boys raised on meat, corn, and athletics"
>>Well, that's gross. I don't think it's slut shaming. It's about being THAT drunk and gross. I don't know but defending those three on the dancefloor here feels too white feminist for me. It's totally realistic, normal, and frankly, so unharmful here, I would be up in arms about it.
>>Fuck piano bars & honky tonks
>>"Tequila Cowboy" Nice bar name.
>>Ghaz's mission is to be a Muslim ambassador.
>>The name was too much, Ghaz.
>>"In the South, it was hard to not view everything from history including the sun"
>>"alarmingly thick in the middle" Oh fuck you.
>>I getchu Ghaz. <3
>>"There were moments where her beauty gave me pause" Sounds gay. Is it finally going to be gay?
>>Hahahaha Ghaz has you pinned.
>>"You're too hot to get fact" Fuck you. UGH.
>>"Now you look like a dyke" Fuck you again. Double UGH.
>>Ugh, no queer on the "queer" panel, love the sinner hate the sin, comparing it to pedophilia BULLSHIT.
>>Oh the feels about America going to shit. YESSSSSS. So depressing and true.
>>Oh, you have no idea...
>>gods, Mariam knows nothing bout nothing. How long have they really been friends for?!
>>Good for you, Ghazalla.
>>Awwww, Mariam & Umar
>>Yay, therapy!!
>>Title says it all. They go on a road trip. That's it. They're not even on the way home when it ends.