A review by reading_rainy
Beast by Pepper Pace


**2.5 stars**
I read so many glowing reviews of this book, that I was excited to get started. While it was a sweet story, the execution was VERY awkward. The writing felt clumsy, and the intimate scenes were written like a anatomy textbook. (It could be that I'm just used to slang rather than the correct names for body parts.)

The two MC's were incredibly sweet, and I loved their relationship. There was depth to each of them that felt real and unreserved. My biggest dislike was that it had ALL the issues. It felt like whiplash as yet another topic was tossed into the story.

-Weight insecurities
-Childhood obesity/shaming
-Cheating (Not the MC relationship)
-Gay rights/discrimination
-Facial disfigurement
-Homeland security
-Both MC's had low self-esteem
-Unexpected pregnancy
-Interracial dating
-Eating disorder/binging/purging
-Money disparity
-Family trauma

The end really bothered me
Spoiler He has facial reconstruction that takes over two months and he comes out looking like a movie star and ALL the women want him.

This book reminded me a bit of [b:Bone Deep|3178892|Bone Deep|Bonnie Dee|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1327872186l/3178892._SY75_.jpg|3211550] or [b:Broken|32854489|Broken|Elizabeth Kelly|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1478034340l/32854489._SY75_.jpg|53456521] so if you liked those, you might enjoy this one.