A review by kostopoulos2000
How Not to Die: Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease by Michael Greger

informative lighthearted fast-paced


entire second half of the book honestly could've been about 60 pages long but instead it's a grueling drag. wish he would've spent a little more time on Iatrogenic causes of death, and I also think the information in this book is in desperate need of reframing, given that he basically lays bare the ways white western imperial-capitalist nations have essentially violently imposed poisonous diets on the rest of the world--that has, aside from killing billions, created generations of psychological phobias and traumas in relation to body image/eating habits-- without connecting any of the dots or contextualizing this within that history. still a very valuable read I just think there's fundamental rhetorical problems in presenting a science-based argument for a whole-foods, plant-based diet within the limited framing of "wellness"