A review by beckymmoe
Bittersweet Magic by Nina Croft


Review posted on my blog, Becky on Books.

I haven’t had a chance to read book one in this series yet–but after finishing this one, I’m definitely going to. You don’t have to have read the first one (Bittersweet Blood) in order for this one to make sense, but it definitely would help–and heads up, you’ll definitely want to read it once you get a taste. Roz, our heroine, is new to the universe contained in the books as well–technically, she’s been a part of it for roughly five hundred years, yet was mostly kept isolated for reasons that are later explained–so readers unfamiliar with The Order and the rules of this particular universe can learn them right along with her.

Still, though, you–like Roz–will definitely feel like the odd man out at times, with most of the other characters sharing inside information that you lack. However–this can all be quickly remedied, by reading book one first! ;)

Even going into this novel blind, it drew me in immediately. I wanted to figure out what was going on right along with Roz, and Piers intrigued me just as much as he did her. Those two had some fantastic chemistry, and every time they shared a scene you could feel the heat. I loved that Roz was a very capable heroine, and absolutely adored the scenes where she gave just as good as she got with Piers. The ones where she resisted his ability to mesmerize, yet let him think that he had succeeded? Priceless. And he so needed that come down!

There’s an excellent cast of characters in this book, which means a wealth of opportunities for future books. Besides our hero and heroine–a thousands-year-old vampire and a possible witch–we have warlocks, werewolves, demons, shapeshifters, and fey. Even the two mortal characters here–Ryan and Maria, a police detective and nun–are well fleshed-out and interesting; I hope we see more from them in future books too.

The one and only complaint I have about this novel is that the end was a tad bit on the rushed side–I did like how everything was resolved; all the pieces came together nicely–but it all happened very, very quickly.

If you like paranormal reads with drama and sexy romance, this is definitely one series you’ll want to try.

Rating: A-

I received an ARC from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.