A review by jaibee
The Burning Air by Erin Kelly


I enjoyed this thoroughly but I found myself disappointed with the ending - as many other reviewers have noted, the Macbrides are the central protagonists and I suppose we are supposed to see them as the ‘heroes’ albeit flawed - but I wanted them to be more grey, more flawed, I wanted their privilege and wealth to be sheltering them from more consequences, for them to not be good people at all, actually, but their level of comfort to have deluded them into thinking they were. I wanted Darcy to be vindicated, even a little, even if the revelation isn’t what he expected.

But the revelation was a little tame, and though it fit with the idea of the MacBrides sheltered lives that this guilt, this indirect action was this huge skeleton in her closet, and that his reaction to finding out was also over dramatic, I still felt like…and???