A review by carriepond
Gentle Discipline: Using Emotional Connection--Not Punishment--To Raise Confident, Capable Kids by Sarah Ockwell-Smith


My review has the caveat that I just finished AND my baby is only one, so I haven’t applied the concepts. BUT, I really appreciated how this book was organized— the first several chapters giving information and background about child development and behavior to lay the groundwork for the rest. Then a few chapters that lay out why certain types of traditional discipline don’t make sense in light of those developmental and behavioral limits and— what I found most helpful— how some of those can be tweaked to be more developmentally appropriate. Then the rest of the book applies gentle discipline techniques to specific categories of behavior that parents are likely to confront— violent behavior, lying, not doing things when asked, etc. I found it very easy to read, and her ideas really resonate with me. I checked this out from the library, but could see myself buying it so I could turn to it later for quick reference and a refresher.