A review by malissac
Bind Me Before You Go by Harper Kincaid


3.5 Stars

~ I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review ~

First off let me say I love Entangled Brazen's Serve series, it always gives me a little escape from my daily life and into a world of sexy, determined, caring men and beautiful strong, loving women, with just the right amount of spice and drama. I also love that this long running series is a series that is made up of work written by several different authors so just when you think you have down a pattern of writing they throw in some one new and shake things up making it still exciting to pick up a book even when you are on number eight.

I think Harper Kincaid did a beautiful job with these two characters. She stepped away from the heavy feeling that can revolve around the BDSM lifestyles when have seen in previous books and gives us something a bit lighter although I think perhaps more impactful due to factors with in the story that do not revolve around the couples romantic life choices. I loved David and Cassidy. I enjoyed how David while having some typical alpha male traits was anything but typical. He would not be what I would consider a classic Dom, he has certain predilections (the art of Shibari) yes, but not once did I feel as though he wanted to be necessarily controlling of Cassidy. Cassidy, I loved her independent streak, loved that she was really just a regular girl...she wasn't some high powered wealthy socialite, she's a social worker with a difficult past who fought her way to get to where she is. I loved that she wanted to find herself realizing after years of acting that she had never given herself the time to find out who SHE is instead of being who others wanted her to be.

Bind Me Before You Go is a story about finding yourself, letting go of yourself, and letting others in. I throughly enjoyed the romance between David and Cassidy, but I believe I enjoyed the sub-plot even more. In fact my biggest complaint about the boo is that it wasn't long enough. I wanted more of this couples back story, their romance, their sub-plot stories. I want a series that revolves around them alone because I think there is so much to explore between the two of them.

If you are looking for a swoon worthy book to sit down for an hour or two with a glass of wine (or beer in my case, haha) and just relax this is a fantastic read. I will warn you that while you will walk away pleased with the story as a whole you will like me want more of these two and wish you could pick up the next booking their imaginary series. This is the first book that I have read by Harper Kincaid and it has definitely lead me to want to start one clicking on her other novels. You can just feel all the love she put into this and considering it's length I can't even imagine how much I would enjoy her full length novels. Grab this one up. This is one case where you can definitely read this as a standalone even if it is part of a series...do I wish that you would read the whole series yes, but don't fret that you will feel as though you are missing anything, this is a perfect introduction into the series if you haven't read any of them before. After this one you'll be starting at book one.

