A review by gordonj
Enter Title Here by Naomi Kanakia


I got so sucked up in this book; I read it in a weekend, which almost never happens. Mostly this was because Kanakia's narrator is so compelling. High school senior, Reshma Kapoor isn’t always likeable, but she’s always interesting. I found so much to relate to in her desperate bid to become her school’s valedictorian. Not that I was my school’s valedictorian. I didn’t even come close. But I know what it’s like to want something so bad you’re willing to lie to your own son to make sure he doesn’t find the Halloween candy you’ve stolen from his bag and hidden in your closet. But I digress. Enter Title Here is a darkly funny story that takes on the real pressures teens feel today to succeed, no matter what the cost. I'm recommending it to everyone.