A review by leenichole
Kingdoms and Chaos by Kel Kade


This entire book is one long series of World of Warcraft-style fetch quests.

"In order to get permission to do the thing you've already done, you must travel to this place and retrieve the magical artifact of prophecy."

"We have the magical artifact of prophecy but will only give it to you if you travel to this place and bring back this person."

"In order to leave with this person, you must successfully complete my elaborate skills test!"

"Surprise! You found the person, but we don't actually have the magical artifact of prophecy. You're going to have to go here and talk to this guy to get it."

"I am the guy who really has the magical artifact of prophecy but I won't give it to you until you complete this task for me."

I hate fetch questing in video games and I don't like it any better in fantasy novels. This is by far the worst book in the series. There is just enough important detail here that I'm not completely pissed off that I read it, but approximately 90% of this book could have been cut.