A review by jonetta
With No Remorse by Cindy Gerard


Luke Colter is traveling through the Peruvian Andes, taking some much needed downtime following his near death injury from the last BOI operation, when the train he's riding on is seized by some seriously armed and bad people. What first looks like a robbery is actually an abduction attempt of the young man sitting near Luke. His instincts taking over, Luke helps him escape but turns out "him" is actually "her," the famous supermodel Valentina Chamberlin traveling incognito and who was the object of his teenage dreams for years.

The action starts right away and never lets up. Luke's very real introspection about his future presents an added layer of conflict as he uses the skills he's questioning to protect Valentina and bring her to safety. Her own issues from her recent divorce dovetailed nicely, timing being ideal for both. While their relationship developed quickly under the circumstances, both were grappling with similar identity crises, helping each other plow through them.

I enjoyed the story, especially as it wasn't clear as to why Valentina was being abducted nor the end game of her pursuer. And, the BOI women are in the spotlight this time and it was great to see them in action. Luke and Valentina were well suited and their relationship enhanced the plot. This series continues to be exciting with interesting locales and challenges.