A review by thebookgirl
Grandad Mandela by Ziwelene Mandela, Sean Qualls, Zazi Mandela, Zindzi Mandela


Grandad Mandela was a sweet storybook for kids. It follows the life of the great Nelson Mandela. The daughter of Mandela is telling her children all the stories that she can remember of her father. She is also answering their many questions. I loved the question and answer format because you rarely see it in children's literature. The author somehow managed to add a lot of detail and story into a few pages. Also did it super flawlessly.

This is a brilliant way to introduce tough topics to children. Difficult topics like racism are displayed in an easy to understand format in this book. I imagine it would perfect for slightly older children due to the word choices.

The art is absolutely breathtaking. The illustrations on every page are super gorgeous. It invokes so much emotion and feeling. I think it also fits the culture of the story perfectly.

Disclaimer: This book was sent to me for free from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own and were not influenced.