A review by blives2dance
Finding Katarina M. by Elisabeth Elo


Won an advanced copy of this through Goodreads.

Man I love books about Russia. I honestly don't know what it is about them but I absolutely adore them. This book was so full of Russia: language, scenery and some of the more shady aspects.
I really enjoyed this book because I could feel like i was immersed in this Russian culture.
Now plot wise i feel like things happened very rapidly and felt like logically it wouldn't work like that. Obviously things happen in Fiction that happen for story purposes and for setting pace. But i found some things passed too slowly while other parts flew by.
Also as much as I would like to think that i would fly half way around the world to meet family I didn't know it just felt very rushed and not something I would think a focused doctor or any professional would do.
I was kind of let down that Katarina was not really able to share her own story with Natalie. There's all this build up only for her to not get that closing. Which happens of course because things don't always have the ending you want but I felt kind of bummed out.
I have a lot of unanswered questions which are going to burn me a bit but again things dont get tied up in neat little bows.

It was a good read though, moved quickly but kept you enthralled.