A review by s8snicks
Code Name Sapphire by Pam Jenoff


Code Name Sapphire - Pam Jenoff

Hannah is no friend to the Nazi’s. In fact, she narrowly escapes their clutches on the night her fiancé is killed as a part of the resistance in Germany. She attempts to flee to America but, instead, after their boat is refused entry, ends up in Brussels with her cousin Lily.

I thought that what would follow would be her story of continued resistance with the Sapphire Line. In some ways it was. Until it took a major turn and became the story of her cousin’s escape from a train bound for Auschwitz.

What worked for me:
*three perspectives from strong women.
*the themes of loyalty, resistance and what you do to protect the ones you love
*the relationship between the cousins, Hannah and Lily

What I could have done without:
*the attempt at a love triangle. It wasn’t necessary
*the “twist” at the end. It didn’t fit the character and it made me sad.
*the whip-lash feeling switch in focus from the resistance line to Lily’s family.

Jenoff based this novel on real events in history. It reminded me again of the courage, bravery, brutality and desperation that was needed to do some of the things that were done during the wars. The capacity for such deep evil but also such incredible honour and sacrifice are both shown really well. Don’t skip the author’s note at the end; it’s worth it.

Thank you @netgalley, @PamJenoff and the publisher for my free e arc in exchange for an honest review.