A review by aprilreadstoo
The Sky Above Us by Sarah Sundin


The Sky Above Us is the second book in Sarah Sundin’s Sunrise at Normandy Series. In this book we learn the story of Lieutenant Adler Paxton, and Violet Lindstrom. Lt. Paxton is estranged from his family, and Miss Lindstrom is recovering from a complete change in the plans she had for her own life.

Lt. Paxton is a pilot in WWII, and his biggest desire is to be an ace pilot. His assignment however means that he will be backing up the lead pilot. Violet wants to serve the children in England while she is serving via the Red Cross. Her assignment is on the military base serving the men.

As the story progresses we learn more about the background stories of each of these characters, and we also get to witness through Ms. Sundin’s wonderful storytelling, each of them realizing how they need to die to self in order to more easily accepts the plans God may have for their lives. It is when they begin letting go of what they thought they needed and opening themselves up that some truly amazing transformations happen.

Initially, I thought that maybe this story was starting off slower than the other books I have read by the author, and I have read all of her books. I then remembered that this slow build of the story is what makes Ms. Sundin’s books so good. You get the big picture and then she fills in the details and you are left with a novel that reminds you of God’s love and His grace and mercy. All of this, in my opinion is what makes her such a great story teller.

I highly recommend this book. I would however suggest starting with the first book in the series so that the transformation that Lt. Paxton makes is even more profound.

I received a copy of this book from Baker Publishing Group through NetGalley. All opinions expressed are entirely my own.