A review by suchonalways__
How to Be a Bawse: A Guide to Conquering Life by Lilly Singh


Book: [b:How to Be a Bawse: A Guide to Conquering Life|31202835|How to Be a Bawse A Guide to Conquering Life|Lilly Singh|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1475608021s/31202835.jpg|51852063]
Writer: [a:Lilly Singh|14472017|Lilly Singh|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1470238903p2/14472017.jpg]
there is hardly any page in book i didn't mark with sticky note! I read this book at the exact time of my life! I needed to hear those words! I needed to hear it's okay to feel the way I do as long as i don't stop trying to make my dreams come true! This book is not about any kind of life hack that will make you successful overnight! This is about the reality we must go through if we want to achieve our goals and be our very own superwoman! This book worked as mirror to me! When she described each thing i could literally see my flaw, where i am lacking!
She is a fangirl and she knows really well how to love the people she admire! The out of the blue sections are so genuine and raw! I felt like i was reading my own writing!!

Thanks foe writing this! and thanks for teaching me to embrace my flaw and use it for better purpose!