A review by stenaros
The Carpenter's Manifesto by Marc Mannheimer, Jeffrey Ehrlich


When drawing up plans for things, I always turn to The Carpenter's Manifesto. College Boyfriend John Bita bought it for me years ago and I'm forever grateful. It's out of print, but I just checked on Abe Books and can be had for less than $10.00. Less than $5.00 in one case. If you are designing anything, it's worth every penny. In very simple terms, the authors take you through steps of design from rough sketch to scale view to 3-D view. Other chapters explain about structure, tools, and techniques. There are also plans to build things: bookcases, coffee tables, loft beds (the first thing I built using this book) potting table. Their can-do tone and clear information inspire confidence.

This is such a valuable book to me I recommend that even if you have an inkling you might want to build something some day, you should buy it.