A review by gls_merch
Blur: How to Know What's True in the Age of Information Overload by Bill Kovach, Tom Rosenstiel


The book starts off with an intriguing premise, following how news and information is transmitted following a nuclear disaster. Intriguingly,we find that the anecdote provided was mostly true, taken from real stories surrounding the Three Mile Island accident. Using TMI as a starting point, the authors begin to discuss how news dissemination and journalism have changed in the age of digital information that has arisen since TMI. The authors really care about the quality of journalism and prescribe several solutions for the new era of journalism. In particular, in an age of multiple information sources, people are looking for news functions beyond the traditional investigative reporting as we seek to authenticate and understand what is going on. As an afterward, we can now see the real world reaction to a nuclear disaster due to the events of Fukishima in 2011.

NOTE: I received this book for free through the GoodReads First Reads program.