A review by mgallmeyer03
The Shadow Wand by Laurie Forest


Updated Review on 3/14/21:

I’m not sure where I land with this after pondering it for a while….There is A LOT of world-building and set up in this book, so it reads a lot more slowly than the previous two books. I still can’t believe it ended on that huge cliff-hanger!

I’m still so fucking proud of you, Elloren.

Original Review:

“There are no words for what I feel for you. There never have been." These two sentences did. me. in. Excuse me while I go cry like the hopeless-romantic I secretly am.

This freaking book, I swear. I was going to give this book 4 stars but those last three chapters were phenomenal and gave this book the five stars it freaking deserves. One event near the end was a bit predictable but, frankly, I don't even care. Laurie Forest made me feel so many emotions in the last thirty pages; it's unreal. Elloren, you kick absolute ass; I'm so freaking proud of you.