A review by anovelstart
Amendments by Hannah Lynn


I received a free copy of this book from the author. This in no way influences my opinion on the book or my review.

Fantastic book. It had me gripped from beginning to end, I love the world Lynn has created. I really can't wait for the next book now!

Well, I can understand why this book is an instant best seller. The way the Amendments is written, it's very easy to follow and flows nicely, but Lynn also achieves a level of depth in her writing that few authors reach. It isn't forced, it just flows.

The first half of the book has you asking all kinds of questions - why are they living that kind of life when they can just amend it? Why are the envelopes specific colours? Is it significant, and why? What's the deal with Marchers? I like this in a book. When you're given the answers it's part of the storylines natural progression. Lynn doesn't just force information in for the reader, it's written delicately so that it all makes sense and you get the answers when you need them.

After finishing Amendments the first thing I think is 'wow'. The opening and close of the book both smack you in the face, it's powerful and it makes you think. I love a book that makes me think! Lynn asks the readers a question at the start, "if you could go back and amend two things in your life, just two, how would you decide?" You're instantly connected in the first line. It's suddenly relatable, and you haven't even finished the first paragraph. Emelia and her sister Fi really do have a tough life and even if you can't relate, there's an emotion in the writing. Where reliability struggles, you get sucked in and gripped by the emotion in the book. This I can say with utter confidence because I was gutted when my Kindle Fire unexpectedly died on me half way through! It was long past my bed time anyway, but I just couldn't help it.

I think the bad thing about books like this (in a positive way) is you're eager for the next book but know you have to wait. Patience is meant to be a virtue, but at times like this it really doesn't feel like it!

I can't say much without giving the story away, but when you finish this book you feel changed. I felt the same when I finished Great Expectations and David Copperfield, and no I'm not just saying that! This book really makes you think how lucky you are, how you don't need to face the battles these poor girls faced. It's all in the writing. It has you hooked from the start and you're sad when the book finishes. It's a great and satisfying ending, but it's one of those books that you wish you could comfort the characters and be part of their world to make it easier for them and share their burdens.

I'd definitely recommend this book to anyone who likes dystopian novels, or books were young adults face terrible circumstances. It's moving, evenly paced, and thought-provoking.

For more of my reviews, please visit my book blog at: www.anovelstart.com