A review by marouli
The Door by Magda Szabó


The story is being told by “the writer”, whose name isn’t important, until it is. She writes about her housekeeper, Emerence, who is a peculiar figure. She is described by the writer as a true Christian, even though Emerence never cared for religion. A force capable of understanding human nature, whose words can feel like a hug or beating. A being that can attract you or banish you in a second.

The intricate friendship that forms between the two women, the love and respect they have for one another shake me to my core. A love that can be shared only between those with utmost respect for each other, a love that alleviates pain.

I crave such a friendship.

Emerence is truly a beautiful character, hard to understand, but easy to love. It has changed the way I view people. I don’t think I will ever have the courage to dismiss anyone’s behaviour as irrational or weird anymore. People have their way of living, sometimes so different from my own, that I can’t relate to them. I could never imagine friendships springing between people of such different backgrounds and situations, but now I await impatiently the moment I will meet my own Emerence.