A review by meganwintrip
The Roses of May, by Dot Hutchison


FBI agents Eddison and Hanoverian are back with another case. Girls are being murdered in churches with flowers left on and around the victims and in their blood that is spilled on the church floor.

There are different flowers around each girl, the guy leaves no clues, no DNA, no nothing. He sexually assaults some girls, but not all of them.

The agents keep in touch with a girl called Priya. Her sister Chavi was one of the murdered girls. Priya and her mother move around alot to avoid staying in the same place too long, after all Priya's face is often plastered in the newspapers when another girl gets murdered. After a while it is figured out the Priya is the target, well not so much the target, she is the one the assailant wants to love, the one he is interested in. He kills girls who are close to her and one's who are just not like her. He has been leaving flowers at her doorstep for her. The flowers are in order of the ones left by the victims, starting with the first victim and finishing at the last.

Priya is in touch with Inara who survived the Butterfly Garden; Inara was originally called Maya, the name given to her by the Gardener. The girls write to each other, talking about their lives and their situations. The agents are still in touch with the garden girls too as the court case still hadn't been. Inara gives Priya some advice and she takes with literally as Inara meant it. Priya decides to use herself as bait and decides she wants to kill him to end it all as she realises who the culprit is. He is a guy called Joshua who she met at a coffee shop, who also happened to be the first victims older brother.

She heads to a church to take photos of the windows, which she has done this since she was a kid. When she is there she is on the phone to agent Eddison when she hears a voice.. it's Joshua. Joshua tries to kill Priya to keep her sweet and innocent.