A review by whatcha_listening_to
Cheater by Rachel Van Dyken


4 Cheater Stars

I enjoyed this story more than I thought I would. No not because of the name. Because going in you expect it.

What I didn't expect was to like Lucas as much as I did.
I loved the banter between Lucas and Avery. She is totally funny and a cool chick. Can I please be besties with her?

Lucas, once I got what was really going on. I kind of felt badly for him, he was just misunderstood and needed to protect himself so he did what he thought was best.

Avery too on that she protected herself maybe a little too well. Her food obsession made me so dang hunger! Ha and I have never heard of some of the food mentioned in the book! :-p

I love the scenes with Lucas’s mother they made me laugh so hard.

I enjoyed both narrators but I have to say this Alexanders “female voice” yeah NOT for me at all. I would have rather he just spoke those in his own voice because not for me. Love Lucy performance she is a favorite of mine. :)

If you’re looking for a Rom Com this is totally worth the read.

*You don't have to like my review but its 100% my opinion, and I am allowed to have it.*