A review by ornithopter1
Necroscope by Brian Lumley


I liked the concepts in Necroscope, but sadly what pleasure I got from it was of the guilty variety. The writing, and particularly the dialogue, was just plain bad. Nevertheless it's a plucky story and I actively wanted to like it. The almost boy's-own-adventure style of it had an appeal and, knee deep in ham as it was, I still kinda enjoyed it. It's never more than middling, frustratingly so, because I often felt a great version of the tale was hovering just out of reach.

I can image this working well as a TV series, with a tight screenplay to work from and some deeper characterisation. Only a few months ago, or so I'm told, the rights for such a series were bought up, so that may well happen in the next few years. If that ever happens I'll definitely give it a watch to see if they can excavate the quality that didn't quite manifest in the book itself.