A review by librarianlayla
Sweet Dreams Are Made of Teeth by Richard Roberts


I received an eARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

Dark and fast paced, this tale is an interesting take on dreams and nightmares.

It delves into the human psyche, tackling a variety of human emotions through not only the characters but their world. It was well written but it seemed to lack something, I didn't feel anything. There were small infrequent moments that were meaningful, but I think it was really missing connection with the reader. I sadly found myself feeling a little bored at times, and it had such a morbid undercurrent to it, that it should have appealed to my melancholic nature. However, it just missed the mark for me.

I really enjoyed the entire concept though, and I don't think I've read a book quite like it. Truly original and will certainly appeal to those of a darker demeanour who enjoy tales of a more twisted nature, the writing was just missing something to draw this particular reader in .