A review by amybraunauthor
Her Dark Legion by Pippa DaCosta


I'm going to miss this epic, heart-wrenching series and its characters, which were the core of this story, as they have been through the entire series. The connection each of the harem members have to Kesh is different and adds more layers to their distinct personality. I would have liked to see a little more Sirius and seen more of his relationship with Kesh. Still, the major draw, as it has been from the beginning, was the romance between Kesh, Talen, and Kellee.

They each progressed very well to the end of their arc, though I feel Talen had the most obvious progression, since Kellee and Kesh both fell back into bad habits at times. Not that I loved them any less (I just really, really, REALLY love Talen). Kellee granted Kesh more trust, what she'd been wanting from the beginning, and was right behind her as she fulfilled her destiny. Kesh has always been a compelling heroine, and it was great to finally see her value herself as she deserves.

As far as the villains are concerned, Eledan was the major one. There were others, though I feel they were a little sidelined and their impact and motives weren't as significant as Eledan's. That said, I absolutely loved Eledan's story arc. He's a truly tragic villain and despite knowing he was terrible, I feel into the same trap Kesh did: I couldn't love him, but I understood and sympathized with him.

Since the characters and their dynamic were the most important parts of the story, there wasn't as much action as there had been in past books. Still, it was intense and exciting and there were lots of moments where sacrifice and heartache were required. Still, this was the perfect ending to a unique and beautifully written series. I'm truly going to miss these characters (Talen!!) and this universe, and highly recommend all of these books to anyone looking for a new take on fae lore, a reverse harem, and sci fi.