A review by pixieparliament
Flesh Worn Stone by John A. Burks Jr.


What a read, dark, disturbing, slightly sick in places, but very well written. Not for the faint hearted at all.

Cannibalism and power are the two main words that describe the Cave for me. The Cave were this strange tribe of people live, people who choose to be here, to die or to be reborn. Reborn into the 'other' world with power and money.

Steven wakes up one morning on a beach that can only be described as paradise, but the Cave where the people live and the Game they partake in is anything but paradise. You have to do unspeakable things in order to be reborn and leave, that or die. Steven very quickly decides he wants to survive, but the question is why was he brought here and who can he trust?

Although the book was well written, and disturbing, the one book was enough for me. I know there are two follow up books but I'm not compelled to read them.