A review by imyril
Like a Boss by Adam Rakunas


This book made me cry on the way to work. And it's really hard to explain to a bunch of strangers that no, really, you're fine, you're just SO HAPPY to see idealism and hope not only given space on page, but fucking championed. But luckily I live in London, so nobody was making eye contact / seeing me and I didn't have to try.

When you're not looking, Adam Rakunas takes on privilege, socialism, corruption and the politics of anger as Padma Mehta tries to find out just why the hell everyone on Santee Anchorage wants to go on strike. Is her nemesis Evanrute Saarien behind it? Why is the President of the Union so determined Padma gets involved? And is it going to interfere with her six o'clock ritual sip of Old Windswept?

A riot (several, actually), with big ideas propelling its comic noir energy and a new host of awesome characters. This is not message fiction. But it's got a message anyway: don't let all the grimdarks and dystopias wear you down. Sometimes you just have to do the work and keep a wrench handy.

Full review

Full disclosure: I received a free copy from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.