A review by tessiekat
Stars of Fortune by Nora Roberts


2015 Nov 11 : It feels much like her other magical based romance trilogies, but I've always loved those, despite how predictable they can be, and I like this one no less. I don't know if I can wait 6 months for the next one to come out!!

2016 Aug 05 : After reading it a second time, before reading the sequel ([b:Bay of Sighs|27209407|Bay of Sighs (The Guardians Trilogy, #2)|Nora Roberts|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1458263001s/27209407.jpg|47250889]): While I still like the developing story and mystery, I realized how much I didn't like Sasha and Bran. Sasha just started to get on my nerves. She was just sort of touchy and immature. I understand why, but in the end, I just wasn't a big fan of her.