A review by vivifriend
American Love Story by Adriana Herrera


It made me think. And that's a good thing. It didn't feel forced; and the romance felt good. I Loved. Absolutely loved that Patrice and Easton are in couples therapy together. Some folks might say that having to have therapy that early in a relationship is a bad sign but why? If you Love someone and Want to learn how to communicate then why not use couples therapy to find out if you Can? I think more people would benefit from it honestly.

I knew; from pretty early on; that Patrice would get pulled over. And I love how that was handled. All of how it was handled. It was an excellent point about something so damn important. I can understand Patrice's frustration that Easton didn't seem to take it seriously when a kid ended up in the hospital with an asthma attack but did when he was the one in trouble. And I do like that he accepted that no one person can fix it all. But. He logically would not have accepted being with Easton if Easton hadn't also realized that he was truly being an ally in word but not action. That I think was the point where I figured that the relationship would work as a plausible, could exist in the real world, relationship. Which is one of my preferred romance types to read.

I like it when people can be adults about fucking up and things don't get swept under the rug. You get that with both Patrice and Easton in American Love Story and I think that's wonderful.