A review by jersy
The Best Time Travel Stories of the 20th Century by Poul Anderson, Nancy Kress, Connie Willis, Ursula K. Le Guin, Theodore Sturgeon, Harry Turtledove, Richard Matheson, L. Sprague de Camp, R.A. Lafferty, Jack Finney, Henry Kuttner, Robert Silverberg, Jack Dann, Arthur C. Clarke, Joe Haldeman, Martin H. Greenberg, John Kessel, Charles Sheffield, Larry Niven, Ray Bradbury


For me, rating a short story collection also means finding a compromise between rating individual stories and rating this as a collection. 
For this collection, I can say that the preludes to every story were great, they presented the authors works and recurring themes and only vaguely described the story one is about to read. The stories were vastly different from each other, which is always a plus for me, however in this case it also meant that there were some clear misses and some stories only barely qualified as time travel tales. There were some that really gave me what I expected from this collection but the aim didn't seem to be to collect the most iconic, groundbreaking or influential stories in this field, but good and varried works of science fiction in general.
While it contains highlights I'll probably reread at some point, this isn't the treasure trove for time travel enthusiasts I imagined it to be.