A review by thisotherbookaccount
A Song for Arbonne by Guy Gavriel Kay

My disappointments with Guy Gavriel Kay continues with A Song for Arbonne.

60% into the book, and nothing is happening. Nothing. This book is the definition of butter spread over too much bread. The central conflict is about how the evil north wants to conquer everybody else. However, at 60%, you see/hear/read about none of that. Everybody is sitting around and talking about old loves, old friends, old alliances, old friendships, old hatreds, etc. Nothing is driving the story and the characters forward. You are supposed to believe that there is a war brewing I the distance, but everything still feels hunky dory. What war? What is at stake? People are evil for the sake of being evil, and everybody is black and white, paper thin with zero to no motivations.

I have half the mind of removing all of Kay's books from my to-read list. If this is supposedly one of his best books, then his best is not good enough anymore.