A review by ellenpenleysmith
Feeling Sorry for Celia by Jaclyn Moriarty


This book was such a good, light, easy read. I loved it.

There was humour, drama and romance--and all showed in the brilliant way through letters. It was a light read and once I started I simply could not stop. I even started reading it on the bus and in the car and sometimes even during class.

I love Elizabeth. Her humour is great and she is just an amazing all round MC. I would really love to read a book told in her POV, not just through letters.

The Letters. My gosh, they were HILARIOUS! The whole story starts with their English teacher doing a pen pal project to their neighbouring school and Elizabeth gets Christina--a girl who is just as funny and great as our MC is.

The Letters come from some of the craziest thought up groups that I seriously wish existed:

- Society of People who are Definitely Going to Fail High School
(and Most Probably Life as Well!)

- Priorities Come First! Pty Limited

- The Association of Teenagers


And there are many, many more. But, my gosh, this book was amazing. And even had mystery (Society of Amateur Detectives) that was a great surprise!

I suppose I should mention Celia, who, by the end of the book, I really didn't care for anymore. While she is fun and absolutely crazy, she just did some of the most stupidest things. But then again isn't that what's life is about?

Making mistakes, doing crazy things... and learning to pick yourself up again.

Looking forward to Finding Cassie Crazy.