A review by thinde
The Man Who Never Missed by Steve Perry


If you like action and larger than life heroes, then you will love Steve Perry's Matadora Series. It's fast-paced and contains plenty of original ideas which he explores ruthlessly.

Don't believe the book covers, the series actually starts with, "The 97th step," and so should you. Then comes "The Man Who Never Missed," my personal favorite.

The storyline mostly centers around one man and his efforts to overthrow a repressive galactic government. The protagonist is Emile Khadaji. He starts his adult life as one of the government's soldiers but, during a battle to put down a rebellion, he experiences a transcendent moment... an epiphany. From that moment on he is no longer a soldier.

Luckily a mystic figure named Pen takes him under his wing, trains him in the martial arts of the ninety-nine steps, and then releases Emile to fulfill his destiny. Along the way, he single-handedly starts, maintains and ends a guerrilla war against the government. After which he assembles and trains a team of body-guards that forces the whole system to its knees.

Perry is definitely a commercial author but I doubt he would apologize for that. The Matadora series is a good example of this. It panders to my every boyish reading desire. Thanks, Mr. Perry.