A review by adambroud
The Stranded by Hugh Howey


And finally the grand conclusion. I think if I was going to rate all 5 books collectively I'd probably give them 3 1/2 stars because the climax and resolve is usually what I remember the most of in books.

The resolve of wool really is great. We finally see people pulling the wool from their eyes and thinking for themselves. Juliette is at here problem solving finest, Lucas shows that an every man can also change the world however big or strong that world might be, and we say hello to a new version of the silo. Once again book five felt a little tedious to me, but there were enough parts that felt pretty gripping that I wanted to finish it.

I think this book series is good, but it didn't live up to the hype for me. I think people really like seeing an indie book hit the bestsellers lists, and I don't blame them. It's great to see how far this book went, but I don't think it's the next great American sci-fi novel that some make it out to be.