A review by marthaos
Mother's Milk by Edward St Aubyn


Having read none of the other Patrick Melrose novels in this series, I started out a little confused as to whether I may be missing some background character knowledge, especially in terms of how certain characters were linked to others. However, this was mostly revealed as I read on though I do feel I missed out on some character development and relationship dynamics from the previous novels, for example Patrick's complicated relationship with his mother Eleanor, or Mary's thorny relationship with her mother Kettle. Even Patrick and Mary's relationship to each other, so distant in this novel, must have once grown from something more. Here, Mary consumed by maternal love, and especially taken up by Thomas, has little left to give, and Patrick, who's needs are unmet, childishly falls into some form of depression, and even mild depravity. This apparent lack of love among the adults is quite disillusioning and unpleasant to read. Is this reality?

However, Robert and Thomas, the two children in this book, are very much loved, and they, especially Thomas, provide amusement, lightness and a sense of play that children naturally have, which offers a more cheerful aspect to the novel. Robert seems to have his father's acerbic wit and cynicism, though only five years old at the beginning of this novel, and some of his comments and observations are so sharp and astute that they surprise and at times throw the reader off balance, but in a good way. I questioned at times though whether this was authentically his voice or whether it was Patrick imbuing his son with his voice. Though Patrick appears to fundamentally love his sons, he is also resentful of them, especially Thomas, who in his early years consumes all of his mother Mary's attention, leaving little for himself.

This book is structured into four sections, each describing the Melrose family's summer holiday in August. It is quite a clever way of moving the plot forward, and of showing the changes and developments over the four years that it spans. At the beginning of the book, for example, we see Eleanor and Thomas sharing qualities, i.e. Eleanor no longer able to speak, Thomas not yet able to speak. As the book proceeds, Eleanor descends further and further to dementia and helplessness, while Thomas develops quite rapidly and grows more and more into life and independence. Observations like this were very well portrayed in the novel.

Patrick, the first person voice for much of this memoir novel (though this alternates from time to time), is, as I noted acerbic and cynical. I can't say I liked his character much, but he certainly doesn't hide any blemishes. By the end I felt I understood him more, and appreciated the honesty with which he revealed his often deprave thoughts, and self-destructive tendencies. He is a person of opposites, which makes him very human: he loves his sons but is jealous and resentful of them; he hates his mother but understands her plight and wants to help her in the end; he feels emotionally cut off from his wife and perhaps victimised by her maternal infatuation, but also hateful and vengeful, causing him to seek out his own needs elsewhere.

All in all I enjoyed the comedy of this novel: the clever observations, the witty cameos, the shameless exposition of truth, all conveyed with a sardonic, cynical humour. However, despite the humour, I found the story quite depressing, with too much focus on the problems of life and how these seem only to get worse, not better. There was little room then for hope, redemption or even a sense of resolution. I'm sure this is exactly what the author set out to do, but I didn't enjoy this particular element.