A review by silquesoleil
The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening by L.J. Smith


read for the 2015 reading challenge: a book based on or turned into a tv show

Oh my god, this is so bad. So incredibly bad I couldn't bring myself to quite finish it, however this is a reread, so I am indeed qualified to judge. This novel has about the quality of a beginner's fan fiction in terms of writing style, in terms of everything. The foreshadowing is so embarrassingly in your face, the metaphors have high school emo quality and the characters are so incredibly flat, any emotional appeal is cheap and clumsily done.

It's just so cringeworthy. I don't know Lisa J. Smith personally but judging by this book she wasn't remotely one of the pretty and popular girls in high school, because she actually thinks that conventionally attractive girls ENJOY the leering stares of the boys.

Also, the whole unnecessary drama. 'I need to have him or I'll DIE.' 'He was not interested in talking to me and the whole class saw, I have to move to another country, I cannot deal with this shame' While this might reflect the actual moods of teenagers and can therefore be regarded a realistic portrayal, (as weird as it sounds), the way it is written makes it impossible to relate or take it seriously.

It's just plain bad. I'm not even sure if it is suited for some good snark, but if you ever feel like punising yourself, you know what to read.