A review by foreverinastory
Acquisition by Chelle Bliss


This was a decent enough story, I loved Lauren and seeing a woman in a high position of power is always a perk! The story itself was weird. I don't know enough about stocks and stuff to truly say if this situation is true. Also, I didn't really understand Interstellar's save themselves from the merger plan. It didn't seem like it would work at all?

The romance was okay. For the most part I didn't mind Antonio. I don't know if Lauren and his relationship would work out though because they are both very assertive and insistent. The smut was good too.

The main detractor from this story was Trent. He was so awful!! And he's never reported for the shit he does. He is constantly sexual harassing and assaulting her at the workplace. AND SHE'S HIS BOSS! LIke dick die.