A review by kandicez
If Life Is a Bowl of Cherries What Am I Doing in the Pits? by Erma Bombeck


I read everything of Bombeck’s I could get my hands on in the late 70's, early 80's. I should have been too young to enjoy her “put upon mother” humor, but somehow I wasn’t. She has always, always cracked me up. I’ve read most of her books a few times each and some portions I’ve read over and over and over. She just has this uncanny way of making you feel grateful for what you have. Also that someone else always has it worse than you! That’s a gift.

Nothing she says is off base and even though the majority of her stuff is decades old, people are the same no matter when they live, so she is always topical. The world has moved on quite a bit since most of her books were written, but really, what’s the difference between a teenage boy with a Beatles haircut that drives his mother crazy because it’s always in his eyes and a teenage boy with a pink and blue mohawk that drives HIS mother equally crazy? Nothing! Or a teenage girl that ties up the family phone, lying on her bed for hours, just yakking away, and a teenage girl whose cell phone has become an earring because it’s always stuck to her face? Or fingers. Again, nothing!

I think all women contemplating of marrying or having children, should read Bombeck’s books first. Will they convince you otherwise? Nope, but they will give you an idea of what a crazy ride wife/mother hood can be! That never changes.