A review by par3
Barrayar by Lois McMaster Bujold


4.75 Stars! I’m loving this series so far! Definitely start with Cordelia’s Honor (Shards of Honour and Barrayar) if you’re new to it. And don’t look ahead either lol. The writing and characters are some of the best out there. Can’t wait to continue with The Warrior’s Apprentice!

“These are your rules, not mine. You people play by them. I just try to figure them out.” (p311)
“When the killer could be anyone, the impulse to suspect everyone became overwhelming. Paranoia was a contagious disease here… She packed all her fears down hard into a little tiny compartment in the pit of her stomach, and locked them there. Next to her child.” (p318)
“The people in this room danced only for each other, all their glittering show tossed blithely away in time, which carried it off forever; the event would exist tomorrow only in their memories.” (p327)
“The doctors called it suppression-therapy. We just called it hell. Every day we went to hell, till we didn’t want to go there anymore.” (p350)
“When you love someone, it’s like your skin covers theirs. Every hurt is doubled. And I do love you so…” (p369)
“Somebody has been making these kinds of decisions right along, while we went along blissfully unconscious, taking the world as given. And they were only human, too. No better, no worse than you.” (p374)
“Welcome, my son, to Barrayar, the abode of cannibals; this place didn’t even wait the usual eighteen or twenty years to eat you. Ravenous planet.” (p386)
“I must remember this is Barrayar, where they are so in love with death they bury men who are still twitching.” (p389)
“He is my past. You are my future. The rest of my life belongs to the future. I swear by my word as Vorkosigan.” (p404-405)
“I was an astrocartographer. Then a Survey captain. Then a soldier, then a POW, then a refugee. And then I was a wife, and then I was a mother. I don’t know what I’m going to be next. Pray not widow.” (p442)
“Following you has brought me here. Not to the Barrayar of my hopes, but to the Barrayar of my fears.” (p468)
“You should have fallen in love with a happy man, if you wanted happiness. But no, you had to fall for the breathtaking beauty of pain…” (p474)
“Fifty percent of something’s better than a hundred percent of nothing, I suppose.” (p511)
“It was as if war and the winter had inhaled autumn’s last breath, and blew back out a deathly silence.” (p514)
“Hot anger to warm cold fear. It wasn’t enough warmth, a candle against a blizzard.” (p519)
“Confidence should lead to relaxation, should lead to something.” (p520)
“Any community’s arm of force—military, police, security—needs people in it who can do the necessary evil, and yet not be made evil by it. To do only the necessary, and no more. To constantly question the assumptions, to stop the slide into atrocity.” (p533)
“Pain… seems to me an insufficient reason not to embrace life. Being dead is quite painless. Pain, like time, is going to come on regardless. Question is, what glorious moments can you win from life in addition to the pain?” (p534)
“You have a little time yet. You can say a lot in a little time, if you stick to words of one syllable.” (p536)
“Suicidal glory is the luxury of the irresponsible. We’re not giving up. We’re waiting for a better opportunity to win.” (p547)
“I don’t want power. I just object to idiots having power over me.” (p549)
“Good Lord, the man was back in uniform, shaved and sharp. Only the grey rings under his eyes were non-regulation.” (p560)
“I was so afraid for you, I forgot to be afraid for your enemies. I should have remembered. Dear Captain.” (p564)
“She saw Elena safely through Vordarian’s war, I suspect she’ll handle crawling with equal ease.” (p575)
“Children might or might not be a blessing, but to create them and then fail them was surely damnation.” (p583)
“…Endure pain, find joy, and make your own meaning, because the universe certainly isn’t going to supply it.” (p583)

“Though I hoped to develop a series, I didn’t dare count on it; series books might float together, but they also can sink together, and I wanted to make sure each novel had its own lifeboat.” (p594)