A review by brinastewart
I Am That Girl: How to Speak Your Truth, Discover Your Purpose, and #bethatgirl by Alexis Jones


I found this was a good read to see that we women need to love ourselves and surround ourselves with supportive people that help us grow, love us, want the best for us, and are positive. Also, Jones talks about becoming supporters of each other and not competition. I think there needs to be more out there with this message and we should take initiative to make it happen. All of us have struggles and we glean so much from a community of support and camaraderie. I think there are people who picked up this book in hopes to find steps to follow such as a self-help outline but, Jones states in her introduction that this is not that kind of book. I would say this book is good to read to hear from someone's lessons in why it is important to learn and know yourself and try to figure out what works for you..., not following a laid out plan from someone else.