A review by isla_brett
Sweet Revenge by Camilla Läckberg


3.5 stars!

Picked this book up on a whim and honestly I didn’t regret it!
This book is two short novellas in one, ‘women without mercy’ and ‘truth or dare’.
There both basically about people that kill the people that wronged them.
Women without mercy was pretty good, I would really sympathize with the main three characters and was pretty disgusted with their situations.
Truth or dare was also pretty good! It was a much shorter story and kind of just quickly explained each of their situations. One thing about this story was that as much as I could empathize and understand their family situations, they all seemed like pretty bad people. You can kind of see they grew up around bad people, and it’s not like I didn’t enjoy the story or understand the ending. But Anton was really racist to the delivery guy and made him pay for his pizza, but was then seen to send the money back with a huge tip. I mean he did give the money back but?? Anton also made a bunch of really gross sexual comments to Liv and Martina. They all just seemed like a broken weird group.
Still some pretty interesting stories!
Would recommend if you want a 200 page read about abuse and murder!