A review by jammersbookstacks
A Caller's Game by J.D. Barker


This book is not for the faint of heart. This is intense from page one and doesn’t slow down. I promise this is will take you on a ride that and leave you gasping for air!!

This book is described as Die Hard crossed with a Talk Show. Well it’s all that for sure and a bag of chips!! I would love all the thriller/horror lovers to listen or read this book. It’s intense and keeps you completely engaged from page one. Read the trigger warnings in this book - there are quite a few potential triggers.

This is where the terror begins, “I’m going to offer you a choice.”

That’s a live phone in on Jordan Briggs’ radio talk show. She has built herself a spot on the top of the recording world. Well as we know with all good books - she has a past! And someone knows.

As the world outside her recording studio is literally exploding, here enters the cop, Officer Cole Hundley.

The thing we don’t know is how deadly this game is going to get and who the hell is calling in to the talk show. . .

Its the Caller’s Game and boy oh boy it’s a game that should have never been played over the radio!