A review by evilskin
Doc Showmance by Zoe Forward


I hate that I can’t honestly give this book a higher rating because it had all the potential to be a super funny rom-com style romance and I’m all up for those. The thing is that I actually flew through this and so will anyone, the pace is good and the story is so addictive you’ll be done before you even realize it. However, if you’re looking for a complex and nuanced romance… this may not be it.

Let’s discuss its blessings and sins.

About the blessings:

- It’s an uncomplicated story with a pretty likable main character (I still have a few things to say about her), the kind you can read in one sitting.
- It’s a vet story, meaning cute animals but also bringing up important discussions (if lightly) of topics such as animal abuse, animal rights, etc.
- The writing is straightforward, not too flowery or descriptive, so if you generally prefer to avoid books with extra-long paragraphs full of metaphorical language you will have no issue with this one.
- It’s the grumpy/sunshine dynamic!
- You will be invested in all the characters’ business. I love how almost the whole thing is supposed to be material for a reality show and it actually feels like it. Half the scenes are purposefully overdramatic and over-the-top but just as if you were watching any other reality, you just live for it and always wanna know more.
- If you, like me, love relationships where there’s an actual animosity between the characters before it evolves into a romance, oh boy will this feed your soul.

Still, even if it has a lot of potential some things could still stand for improvement. So let’s go with the sins:

- I DON’T need to be reminded every few pages about how short, little, petite, tiny, small Amber is. For real… I got it the first time.
- The way the characters' relationship transitioned from hatred to true love doesn’t make that much sense realistically speaking. I don’t think they shared enough quality time together for a true connection to form.
- There’s a not-like-other-girls vibe about Amber that doesn't sit right with me. The worst thing is that it comes mainly from Ian and the way he perceives her and talks or thinks about her. A few examples:

«And she wasn't... like Amber. Of course, no one was like Amber. Not that I wanted to marry Amber, but she was far more interesting than women like Maya.»

«I like that you don't eat like other women» Although in this one even the character becomes self-aware enough to point out the stupidity of the statement right after... it still doesn't save face.

«She rubbed her arms and hugged herself but didn't complain. That was one thing I admired about Amber. She never bitched about the small stuff.»

Although this doesn't mean Amber herself doesn't deliver quite a few times:

«Have you ever dated someone who wasn't a model or celebrity before? Someone who's not afraid to throw a punch and enjoys a good burger»

- There are also some serious plot holes. For instance, the one that made me so furious I just had to lower the rating is the one about the punching-Brock scene. I still can’t tell who did it (Ian or Amber?) and this pisses me off. I think I understand what may have happened, the author had different ideas at different points about who should be the one to punch him (I love that she just knew someone had to), probably initially wrote one of them, then changed it afterwards but didn't properly edit out the first one. This is frustrating because you alternate between the two narratives on multiple occasions, it's not even a one-time thing. This book undoubtedly needs another editor. I hope the final version fixes this.

Overall, I wouldn't say it's an outstanding book but if you wanna have a good time and love complicated romantic dynamics this may be an interesting one for you! I certainly would say I had a good time reading it.

Note: thanks both to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an arc in exchange for an honest review