A review by debs_shelves
Balance Check by M.E. Carter


I loved Getting a Grip, but not gonna lie ..... I was SOOOO pissed off at M.E. Carter at the way she ended it (yeah, M.E., I'm looking at you girl!).

Was so excited at the end to see a 2nd book would be coming. Cause I needed MORE Elena and Greg!

First of all, Elena working at a school and the way she talks about the gossip and such is SO spot on it made me laugh. And her cougar moment ..... rawr!! LOL

I don't want to give away too much, but I loved this book as much as the first! Greg & Elena were still great, despite all the everyday issues they both had to deal with. Callie - oh that girl just is someone you want to go for a drink with. Loved the addition of Deborah (which I pronounce "Deb-ORRRR-ah" in my head throughout the book) and the dynamic she added to the friendship. And Libby was still a big ol' BIOTCH (but really, could we have her any other way?).

And Greg fighting for his baby girl .... every girl needs a daddy like him. Even if I didn't already love him (and I *did*), that would have won me over.

I still want to know more about Callie & Ben!

And I liked meeting Joie and look forward to getting to know more about her and Coach Pride!