A review by metropolis
She Comes First: The Thinking Man's Guide to Pleasuring a Woman by Ian Kerner


This book so narrowly avoided getting a one star review from me. It's one of the weakest books on the topic of sex I've read, the many good reviews are likely due to the fact many are unaware of the falsehoods Kerner is espousing.

This is basically a book about cunnilingus so if you're looking for a broader book about sex look elsewhere. I found it to be written in a way which often comes across as extremely nerdy and overly technical — he seems to have little appreciation for the power of the psychological sphere.

For a Sexologist Kerner is woefully ignorant about some key aspects of the subject of sex and orgasms. He unfortunately seems to almost celebrate his own admitted sexual inadequacy, because according to his implied philosophy: 'regular' sex just isn't that important. As a sexologist this is totally the wrong approach for him to take. Instead he should aiding people in overcoming their sexual limitations, not reinforcing them.

Kerner also tends to come across as unrelentingly submissive, which likely does not help address the sexual limitations he mentions.

This book perpetuates many dated and unhelpful myths about sex, Kerner needs to consult a wider range of women and actually look at more up to date sex research which totally goes against many of the assertions he makes (assertions based upon research which is debunked & decades out of date).

This just scrapes two stars because some of tips he gives on cunnilingus are okay and could prove useful as part of a variety of skills, but much is lost in a very weak overall package.