A review by danisnowman
Every Man for Himself and God Against All: A Memoir by Werner Herzog


Werner Herzog's memoir, “Every Man for Himself and God Against All,” is a tapestry woven with threads of raw human experience and the relentless pursuit of meaning through art. The book's title, reflective of Herzog's own cinematic oeuvre, sets the tone for a narrative that is deeply personal yet universally resonant. Here, Herzog recounts his journey from the shattered remains of post-war Munich to the awe-inspiring expanses of the Amazon, painting each scene with the meticulous care of a master storyteller. His story is one of indefatigable will, a testament to the power of unwavering commitment to one's craft in the face of life's unpredictability.

The memoir serves as a silent manifesto of artistic integrity, challenging readers to consider the underpinnings of their own creative and moral convictions. Herzog’s life unfolds as a series of choices and actions that, while deeply individual, speak to the collective human experience of seeking purpose and direction. It is a narrative that, without prescribing doctrines, invites introspection on the principles that guide us and the legacy we strive to build. Herzog's work is not just a reflection on a life lived in the pursuit of cinematic truth, but also a mirror held up to the reader, asking quietly but insistently: What drives you?