A review by myntop
Depths of Salvation by Molly E. Lee


*I won an ARC of this book.*

I really enjoyed this third book in the stand alone series by Molly E. Lee. Just like the previous books it centers around a love story, but filled with action and drama and high risk situations. In this volume, we have some deep sea divers...they both work on different things under the water, but they both love being there. One of my favorite lines in the book is when Sadie is talking about girls wanting to be treated like princesses...and she said something about how she's always preferred mermaids anyway. I am the same way, so I really connected with that line. There is a bit of betrayal in this book and situations that the main couple has to work through or get out of. There will probably be tears, or at least sadness when you read it, but there's also some really great moments and some very touching ones as well.

I also really loved that at a couple points in the book, there was a mention of the other couples from the previous books in the series. Because of that alone, I was glad I chose to read the books in there "numerical" order. But it would not have detracted from the stories at all if I had read them out of order.

I hadn't read anything by this author prior to winning the ARC and then borrowing/buying the others in the series, but I am definitely a fan of her writing and I will be watching her from now on. If you enjoy high action romance stories, or realistic fiction, you would enjoy these books.