A review by ariaslibrary
Red: The Heroic Rescue by Ted Dekker


“Word of a mighty warrior named Thomas of Hunter spread throughout the desert and forests alike. For three years after, the Horde braved only the occasional skirmish, always to their own terrible demise.”

“Red” is the second book in the Circle series of Ted Dekker’s greater Books of History Chronicles world and I didn’t like it as much as the first book.

Thomas Hunter is resting in his room after convincing the CIA of the Raison virus threat. Thomas of Hunter has lived fifteen years without dreaming of the histories and is married with two kids. Thomas Hunter is considered deranged or a possible traitor. Thomas of Hunter is the respected general of the Forest People, leading them in the war against the Horde as they prepare for Elyon’s triumphant return.

I really enjoyed the first book and while this was still amazing, especially with other characters connecting to the other world through Thomas, I feel like it was a bit unrealistic. Did they really expect all the countries would just hand over their nuclear power? That’s a bit twirling my evil moustache for me. Also I loved, loved, loved when a certain character was introduced and was absolutely gobsmacked when Thomas, the son of a Chaplain, didn’t figure out who He was.

While Black was reminiscent of the Old Testament, Red is definitely the New Testament. (view spoiler) Now, onto the next one! I’m so excited to see how it will end.