A review by ariellesbooked
Getting It Together, Volume 1 by Sina Grace


I have been in a little bit of a graphic novel slump lately. I go through phases with it. Sometimes I'm more interested in reading novels. Sometimes I am really vibing on audiobooks.

However, I had high hopes for [b:Getting It Together, Volume 1|54232642|Getting It Together, Volume 1|Sina Grace|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1599568688l/54232642._SY75_.jpg|84624812]. I thought for sure that this would be a story I'd fall in love with. The artwork was fantastic. And that cover? Obviously, an updated, more diverse and representative take on FRIENDS had me feeling all kinds of hyped up.

That said, this did not work for me. It might work for someone else. But I did not enjoy the way the story was presented. It felt incredibly disjointed and hard to follow. While the characters and arcs had promise, they weren't developed enough for me to become invested. I gave it two stars because I'm happy to see attempts made at inclusivity. But I'd be much happier with well-written inclusive stories.